韩乔明,gg999策略手机白菜教授,中国运筹学会理事,数学规划学会理事,主要从事优化理论算法及其在经济管理中的应用研究,对图的剖分问题、点覆盖问题、报童问题以及投资组合等有深入的研究,发表学术论文二十余篇,其中国际顶尖运筹学期刊《Operations Research》两篇、《Mathematical Programming》一篇。主持或者负责过六项国家自然科学基金的研究工作。邮箱:qmhan@zufe.edu.cn。
(1) Han, Qiaoming; Punnen, Abraham P. ; Strong and weak edges of a graph and linkages with the vertex cover problem, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2012, 160(3): 197-203.
(2) Han, Qiaoming; Punnen, Abraham P.; Ye, Yinyu ; An edge-reduction algorithm for the vertexcover problem, Operations Research Letters, 2009, 37(3): 181-186.
(3) Han, Qiaoming; Du, Donglei; Zuluaga, Luis F. ; A Risk- and Ambiguity-Averse Extension of the Max-Min Newsvendor Order Formula, Operations Research, 2014, 62(3): 535-542.
(4) Han, Qiaoming; Du, Donglei; Vera, Juan; Zuluaga, Luis F. ; Improved bounds for the symmetric rendezvous value on the line, Operations Research, 2008, 56(3): 772-782.
(5) Han, QM; Ye, YY; Zhang, JW ; An improved rounding method and semidefinite programming relaxation forgraph partition, Mathematical Programming, 2002, 92(3): 509-535.